WG Forest Geomatics Metadata Repository

Records found: 13
Code Dataset Reference person E-mail Year of acquisition Uploaded Open
WGFG_0001 Bucci #28 Gabriele Bucci gabriele.bucci@cnr.it 2020 2020-11-25 20:18:14
WGFG_0002 Ghera set #52 Gherardo Chirici gherardo.chirici@unifi.it 2018 2020-11-25 20:53:46
WGFG_0003 Ghera set #104 Gherardo Chirici gherardo.chirici@unifi.it 2017 2020-11-26 20:27:34
WGFG_0004 Monti Pisani Recordset #6 Gabriele Bucci gabriele.bucci@cnr.it 2020 2020-12-01 15:13:18
WGFG_0005 Fanes Recordset #32a7 Gabriele Bucci gabriele.bucci@cnr.it 2020 2020-12-01 18:52:28
WGFG_0007 Valtellina Flight #32-4b Gabriele Bucci gabriele.bucci@cnr.it 2020 2020-12-02 15:46:31
WGFG_0009 Corsica #498 Gabriele Bucci gabriele.bucci@cnr.it 2020 2020-12-07 19:54:11
WGFG_0010 Vallombrosa #371 Gabriele Bucci gabriele.bucci@cnr.it 2020 2020-12-07 20:03:11
WGFG_0011 Castelfusano Gabriele Bucci gabriele.bucci@ibbr.cnr.it 2020 2020-12-07 20:31:32
WGFG_0012 Sardegna01 Gabriele Bucci gabriele.bucci@cnr.it 2021 2021-01-17 12:36:24
WGFG_0013 AAAA Gabriele Bucci gabriele.bucci@cnr.it 2021 2021-04-28 10:31:22
WGFG_0014 Madonie, Settembre 2018 Gabriele Bucci gabriele.bucci@cnr.it 2021 2021-05-05 19:32:35
WGFG_0015 Madonie, Settembre 2018 Gabriele Bucci gabriele.bucci@cnr.it 2021 2021-05-05 19:35:35

(under construction)


© SISEF 2025 Dataset “Geomatics Metadata” - Contact: Gherardo Chirici

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